Trade house (trade house)
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UE "Belarusian Oil Trade House " (
The Russian party presented for discussion a project aimed at creation of the Trade House “Belarus” on the basis of estate complex in the North-West district of Chelyabinsk.
But using our links visitors can get various and ample information about Belarus, its economy, legislature, people, etc. Publishing house “Foreign Trade ” was registered in September 2004.
“We are looking for a place in the Minsk oblast to build Kyrgyzstan’s trading house in Belarus,” remarked Ishenkul Boldzhurova. Besides, the Ambassador said, the Belresursy company is working hard to expand trade opportunities.
Trade House Thaler provides services such as pipeline construction equipment, agricultural supply, industrial and construction supplies, utility, mining, gas drilling and distribution, agricultural, power plant construction and maintenance, and...
Проанализировав существующие на рынке решения и взяв на вооружение успешный опыт подобных проектов, компания «Лаш Раша» остановила свой выбор на комплексной автоматизированной системе управления товародвижением IBS Trade House .
This step complies with the company‘s strategy of expanding its trading house network further in economically developed regions of Russia, the release says. The new trading house , which uses the most modern European equipment for storing frozen...
Торговый дом (Trade house ) - многопрофильное торговое предприятие, интегрированное в производственную, финансовую и внешнеэкономическую сферы. [ Вернуться назад ] Словарь маркетолога.
Текст ссылок:
Trade House Eleng-Lux.
About the company.
Trading House . About.
15.04.2010, просмотров: 2435